Friday, July 23, 2010

JAVILAND Episode 37: Maximizing a convention appearance

This new episode, in which we discuss strategies in maximizing your appearance at a comic book convention, was recorded as part of the JAVCON! What's the JAVCON? It's a fun little project I have running on my blog JAVZILLA from July 21-July 26. I'm running it concurrently with the San Diego Comic Con not because I'm actually trying to compete with them, but as a way of allowing myself to exhibit my work within the format of a 'virtual convention'. Now that's maximizing my San Diego Con experience by not even being there!

Joining me for this episode are cartoonists Tyler James (OVER, EPIC), Ryan Dow (FAILING BUDDHISM) and Ted Seko (BILLY COLE, THE SUPERMONSTERS). Tyler's artistic collaborator on EPIC, Matt Zolman, joined us via the chatroom.

One of the ideas that sparked this topic for me was Tyler's strategy of offering free sketchcards to his readers who'll be attending a convention he's appearing at. He asks them if they'd like a free card, then they show up to his table at the convention to pick it up, often leading to sales of his products. He tells us in the podcast that he once pre-sold $400 worth of commissions before even arriving at the show. If that's not maximizing your investment in a comic book convention, I don't know what is!

So if you want to exhibit your comics at conventions, take a listen and I think some of these various tips and anecdotes could help you make the most of your experience.

You can access the episode via the player on the right, or go to my JAVILAND page on TALKSHOE.